Hollow Press exhibitions
- UNOGDZ the impious journey
Plastiboo, Alfred Pietroni, Fatgomez, Johan Nohr and other...
in collaboration with Ratatà festival 2023
John Blanche
in collaboration with Lucca Comics & Games 2022
LINK description
Curated by Tiziano Antognozzi.
Tetsunori Tawaraya / Daisuke Ichiba / David Genchi
in collaboration with TCBF and DUMP pub in Treviso
Mat Brinkman first monographic exhibition
BilBolBul 2019
first comic underground exhibition in a prestigious institutional place like the Pinacoteca of Bologna
- outERoticspace
David Genchi and Miguel Angel Martin
Napoli Comicon 2018
- The Rust Kingdom
TCBF (Treviso Comic Book Festival) 2017
at Cso Django
- XUWWUU, a furvert fairytale
Gabriel Delmas
Inaugurazione con l’autore: venerdì 25 novembre h19.30 "Spazio &" Bologna.
In collaborazione con BilBolBul festival internazionale e Hollow Press.
Profondamente segnato da “Métal Hurlant”, affascinato da Richard Corben, Tanino Liberatore e Philippe Druillet, Gabriel Delmas ha elaborato una poetica senza eguali nel fumetto contemporaneo, basata su una narrazione subordinata alla visione e sulla necessità del disegno come fondazione di questa visione. È affascinato dalla metamorfosi, dai mutamenti del tempo e dello spazio, e i suoi fumetti sembrano emergere dalla tensione tra microscopico e macroscopico attraverso la combinazione di singoli frammenti che si evolvono fino a formare una narrazione fluida e ipnotica.
Le storie di Delmas sono impregnate di riferimenti letterari e artistici – da Goya (Largemouths, un vero poema grafico, è ispirato proprio al celebre Saturno che divora i suoi figli) a Carroll, da Lovecraft alla mitologia nordica – che l’autore rielabora attraverso lo stile espressionista, il tratto violento del pennino, le anatomie mostruose dei personaggi, costruendo un universo perturbante che cattura il lettore in una spirale di immaginazione grottesca.
La prima mostra italiana di Gabriel Delmas, realizzata in collaborazione con Hollow Press, ospiterà integralmente l’ultima storia di Delmas, XUWWUU,interamente dipinta a olio, e un’ampia selezione di tavole dai precedenti libri dell’autore.
- U.D.W.F.G. presents: PALLA - Paolo Bacilieri exhibition.
Treviso, Italy, 2016 - 24/09 to 09/10 - Galleria Papermedia.
Presented by Hollow Press, Galleria Papermedia,
and TCBF (Treviso Comic Book Festival)
(copyright for pictures their respective owners)
Un nuovo libro di Paolo Bacilieri sarà presentato in anteprima al Treviso Comic Book Festival, “PALLA”, pubblicato da Hollow Press. Fabrizio, una sera tardi del 1996 in macchina (una Saab 900), bucando una ruota si ferma e trova in un fosso una creatura, sferica, al tatto e aspetto una palla di pelle umana liscia e rosea di circa 40 cm di diametro che comunica in modo telepatico, e se la porta a casa. Le tavole di questo libro visionario saranno esposte da Papermedia.
- TRACT - Shintaro Kago exhibition
Toronto, CANADA, 2016 - 12-16 May - Narwhal gallery.
Presented by Hollow Press, The Beguiling, Narwahl gallery and
TCAF (Toronto Comic Art Festival)
Solo Exhibition of new work by Shintaro Kago
Show Runs Thursday, May 12th to Monday, May 16th
Opening Party: Thursday May 12, 7pm-10pm. Artist in attendance.
@ Narwhal Gallery, 2104 Dundas St. W. (@ Roncesvalles Ave)
Free to attend
The Toronto Comic Arts Festival, in association with Shintaro Kago, The Beguiling, Hollow Press, and Narwhal Gallery is pleased to present the first-ever Canadian exhibition of Ero-Guro manga maestro Shintaro Kago, as part of the 2016 Festival. TRACT will feature more than 50 pieces of work by Kago for exhibition and sale, comprising the entirety of the comics pages created for the new manga of the same name, published by Italy’s Hollow Press.
The TRACT exhibition will open on Thursday, May 12th, with a special reception from 7pm-10pm with the artist in attendance. All are welcome to attend this opening, where copies of TRACT the graphic novel, as well as an assortment of original artworks, will be made available for sale for the first time. In addition, the artist will have a variety of unique small goods available for sale at this event. Shintaro Kago will also participate in programming at The Toronto Comic Arts Festival on Saturday, May 14th. Information at torontocomics.com.
TRACT is a 64 page wordless graphic novella that features Shintaro Kago’s trademark combinations of formalist experimentation, 21st century anxiety, body modification, and erotic grotesquery. Not for the faint of heart, Kago’s work has been lauded internationally for its uncompromising takes on sexuality and modern culture. Darkly humourous and often unsettling, Kago’s “fashionable paranoia” drags the dark underground of contemporary society into the light for all to see.
- Hollow Press EXHIBITION
Tokyo, JAPAN, 2016 3-11 October - Irregular Rhythm Asylum.
Presented by Michele Nitri and Irregular Rhythm Asylum.

Hollow Press編集長のミケーレ・ニトリ氏(通称:ニトリさん)展示に併せて来日します!)
What is Hollow Press?
2013年にイタリアで設立された出版社「ホロー・プレス」(Hollow Press)は、漫画本U.D.W.F.G. (Under Dark Weird Fantasy Groundの略称)の出版によりスタートした。ダークファンタジーを突き詰めようとする5人の漫画家/アーティストの作品を収録している。その他、日本人アーティスト俵谷 哲典の2002〜2012年の作品を集約した単行本の出版。また、奇想漫画家の駕籠真太郎の描き下ろし本を出版するなど、日本との繋がりも強くなりつつある出版社である。今展覧会では、Hollow Pressに関連した漫画家たちの原画や、限定グッズの販売を行います。
Artist/Comic author
マット・ブリンクマン(アメリカ)、ミゲル・エンジェル・マーティン(スペイン)、俵谷 哲典(日本)、ラティガ―(イタリア)、パオロ・マッサグリ(イタリア)、駕籠真太郎(日本)、ゲイブリエル・デルマ(フランス)