The Princess Of The Never-Ending Castle By Shintaro Kago Is OUT!

hey Souls,
sorry if I was less responsive in the latest days, but we moved our company to another city, in a bigger place! We are sure we can improve our efficeincy in future, being more responsive and quick in shipping.

Anyway this newsletter is dediacted to one of our most important published book,

The Princess of the Never-ending Castle

HERE the LINK to BUY!!!

this is of course Kago's masterpiece, best book of his career. Me, Marco the graphic, translators:
Paolo La Marca, a japanese literature professor for the italian version and
the great underground artist Tetsunori Tawaraya for the english version, have read tons of time it, and it's incredible, on every reading there is something hidden coming up to the eyes from a so stratified story and drawing immagination.
Kago said it is his best comic ever too!

We have everything here, a sort of "inception" tale (the movie) with crazy virtuosity in panel building, sex, splatter, terrible deaths, physics, historic characters, deformed ronins with the faces of the "seven samurai" actors of the legendary movie and a lot of other things.

anyway just buy, steal, borrow it and read it, enjoy!

As announced all the original artworks are for sale too, buy your favorite one soon, I really think they will sell fast, they are so beautiful in live, on a white natural paper, A3 size, large size! 42 x30 cm each!
Here some example:


*sorry if we don't have real photos of the book yet, it will be delivered to us within next week (though we have seen it printed yet and it's amazing!), and shippings will start from 20 of January, obviously we will give priority to all customers that preordered it during last Lucca Comics 2019 and during the last launch in the store of the preview bundle.
I really thank you all for your patience, this book was scheduled for middle December, but during our work on it we chose to take more time, revisions of translation and graphic seemed never enough, but now we are sure we will have a perfect book or of course almost perfect (if perfection doesn't exist).

You will get an almost 2kg of weight book, thick 3 cm! Hard Cover, 192 pages, all off-set, UV spot on the cover, stitched binding and all printed on an amazing Fedrigoni paper that will give a look to the book similar to old japanese tomes, the Arena Natural Bulk paper by 160g!
Always the best for you!

more soon souls, 