Eight new realeases, explore and enjoy the dungeon!New comics, games and lore game books!
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* this product is available in both: ITALIAN and ENGLISH, please select the language during the order
published by Hollow Press -October 2019- first printing limited edition of 600 (italian version) and 100 (english version) full-color offset printing printed in A5 size on 170g paper 192 pages stitched binding
for english edition: English Translation: Valerio Stivè English Translation Editing: Cameron Hatheway
This book is also available coupled with the old preview book Storto#0 (published in 2018), we have a couple of dozen copies left, if you want order both: Storto + Storto#0 just select the correct string in the menu options. Total price for this option at the moment is just 29€.
AN EPIC BODY HORROR STORY! (from book introduction) ENG- The world is dominated by the Homunculus. They have enormous heads and hands. They are peaceful people, but they feed on their sons and daughters born with physical or mental deformities, known as the Crooked. Roova is a Homunculus, and he will be forced to contact the Crooked people, not before he does something he will never be able to undo. Crooked is a story about incommunicability that mixes the horror of Ruggero Deodato’s cannibal movies with a bleak fantasy setting, while simultaneously a story about fathers and sons. ITA- Il mondo è dominato dagli omuncoli. Hanno teste e mani enormi.
Tra loro sono pacifici ma si nutrono dei figli nati con deformazioni fisiche e mentali, gli storti. Il protagonista è Roova, un omuncolo. Sarà costretto a entrare in contatto con alcuni storti, non prima di aver compiuto un atto dal quale non potrà tornare indietro. Storto è un racconto sull’incomunicabilità che fonde l’orrore dei cannibal movies di Ruggero Deodato a un' ambientazione fantasy desolante. Allo stesso tempo è una storia che parla di padri e di figli."