Sparagomosia's Rising #2
(a new Henri Dumas series)
-from Spugna introduction:
Take a trip into Henri Dumas's world and mind at the same time and open a gate to see through it; a trip as powerful as a spell that even he can't really control. Dumas’s mind shows us his world in all its honesty and true beauty. Despite its strangeness, everything presented in this world feels like it could be real.
Henri Dumas is making
Virulent Vessels of Vesicating Vices comics somewhere within the United States.
Henri Dumaseditor: Nitri Michele
graphic design: Marco Cirillo Pedri
Published in March 2021
Limied edition of 600 copies
format 17x24cm
68 pages + cover with slaps
printed in B/W off-set,
stitched binding,
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Buy Henri Dumas original artworks at this LINK!!!REVIEWS:
small press express (english)-