V∴V∴V∴V∴ Subterranean Centrifuge
V∴V∴V∴V∴ Subterranean Centrifuge
V∴V∴V∴V∴ Subterranean Centrifuge
V∴V∴V∴V∴ Subterranean Centrifuge
V∴V∴V∴V∴ Subterranean Centrifuge
V∴V∴V∴V∴ Subterranean Centrifuge
V∴V∴V∴V∴ Subterranean Centrifuge
V∴V∴V∴V∴ Subterranean Centrifuge

V∴V∴V∴V∴ Subterranean Centrifuge

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V∴V∴V∴V∴ Subterranean Centrifuge

Henri Dumas is making
Virulent Vessels of Vesicating Vices
comics somewhere within the United States.

artwork: Henri Dumas
editor: Nitri Michele
graphic design: Marco "Keno" Del Negro

Published in June 2017
Limied edition of 1413 copies
size of the box 17x24cm
20 pages
printed in B/W off-set,
stapled binding in WHITE,
printed on the prestigious 200g paper 
Fedrigoni X-PER Premium White

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"It was a dim humid day of July, and the siamese suns were emitting freedom of darkness." -Tetsunori Tawaraya

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Buy original artworks of these books at this LINK!!!


- fumettologica (italian)
- littlenemoskat (spanish)
panellogy videoreview (english)