ALL autumn releases finally out! (2023)
All autumn releases finally out!
All autumn releases finally out!
hey souls,
after a whole year of hard work on so many projects we are proud to officially launch them on our website!
Explore the dungeon, yeah, they are too many!
anyway, first of all I want really thank all visitors, artists and collaborators attending last Lucca Comics & Games.
For us the festival was a true success and this is thank you all.

said that, I would like to present deeply all the projects we put out, but they are too many, impossible to do, so I will just write a couple of lines for each one, to know further about them please explore the dungeon, and give a look to pictures and video preview in every product web page!
Let's start from comics and let's finish with games.
(click on the pictures to open the link)
- Parasitic City #1
Finally arrived the first issue of the new Shintaro Kago manga series, a book by 160 pages, one every year, don't miss the first!

* we also have available some original artwork and the HC Nyorai edition with a random original artwork from the book.
- Terrotic - Love and Terror in Postapoland
The new comics book by Bartosz Zaskorski about his Postapoland world!
A collection of short stories of love and terror set in the world of Postapoland!

*check carefully, finally we have put for sale the giant original artworks from Postapoland, they are expensive but huge!
- Hummingbirds' Milk by Jagoda Czarnowska
The first comic book by a so talented comics artist, with her unique poetry!

* also available a selection of high detailed original artworks!
- Mana by Dina Omut
From Transylvania folklore an incredible short debut comic!
A tale about an ambiguous and all-encompassing bond between a young girl and a mysterious mushroom.

- Tristitia by Perdita Lujuria
A sado-goth-erotic comic.
104 pages, HC, BLACK LAPPING in the book edges and Black OPAQUE UV spot on glossy black cover, what else?

- Soft Tissue #0 by Spugna.
The preview comic book of the next long comic by Spugna, 2024.

- Manosinistra - NecroBriscola RPG
Are you ready to unleash apocalypses!?
The first Hollow Press role playing game is finally out!

*there are just a few handmade original artworks produced, and they are all available in the store.
**even a giant poster signed and sketched by the artist!
- Unholy Grotto by Alfred Pietroni
We are proud to announce our third Lore Game Book, after Vermis, you cant miss this Fashion Dark Weird Fantasy.
56 pages, VOGUE format 28,5x23cm, UV spot on cover.
Embrace the beauty that lies within the shadows...

- Cyberflesh (preview comic) by Genchi-Taddei-Grifone
Get Ready to enter a world of atrocious dreariness, where insanity is the only way out of obliteration.
Holographic spot on the cover! And only 10€
the BOARD GAME out in 2024

- Scions of Voodoo by John Blanche
From probably the most personal work by the master John Blanche, a new artbook dedicated to Voodoo Forest, this time collecting all color illustrations!

*also available a limited edition signed version and several new original artworks!
- BONEFOREST core box (2nd edition) - PREORDER!
The Boneforest core box is actually available for preorder, shippings are scheduled for 11 of December, we are still assembling the copies, thank you to everyone for the support and patience! We will send a dedicated newsletter within end of November with new pictures and an unboxing video to show the difference of the second edition (limited at 200 copies) compared to the first edition. The game and contents are almost the same, we just improved the artifact cards, the tiles and changed a bit the aesthetic of the rulebook, thank you!

*this is a preorder, please read item description!
- "Beware of the states that can permanently damage your flesh and mind" limited VERMIS print (New Version) by Plastiboo.
Yes, according to the artist we thought was just right to have this print available again, since everyone should have it hanged on his wall during a RPG session!
You asked this for so long, now don't miss it!

*also we have a special surprise for you all, give a look to this collector item HERE!
some other note:
- we finally did video preview about Vermis II and New Pets by Jesse Jacobs, give a look to the product pages if you want.
- I remind you about our most recent reprints:
all Shintaro Kago books,
Postapoland third edition,
Analwizards third edition,
the Rust Kingdom necromancer second edition,
- last important info, if you are one of the customers that ordered Vermis II and still haven't received it with ordinary shipping don't worry, it will arrive soon, it's just slow and not under our control, but it will arrive! Thank you for your patience!
that's all for now,
thank you as always,
and I really hope I put anough cool stuff out to make your end of the year cooler.
See you soon in early december for a last newsletter dedicated to our HUGE miniatures game BONEFOREST!
after a whole year of hard work on so many projects we are proud to officially launch them on our website!
Explore the dungeon, yeah, they are too many!
anyway, first of all I want really thank all visitors, artists and collaborators attending last Lucca Comics & Games.
For us the festival was a true success and this is thank you all.

said that, I would like to present deeply all the projects we put out, but they are too many, impossible to do, so I will just write a couple of lines for each one, to know further about them please explore the dungeon, and give a look to pictures and video preview in every product web page!
Let's start from comics and let's finish with games.
(click on the pictures to open the link)
- Parasitic City #1
Finally arrived the first issue of the new Shintaro Kago manga series, a book by 160 pages, one every year, don't miss the first!

* we also have available some original artwork and the HC Nyorai edition with a random original artwork from the book.
- Terrotic - Love and Terror in Postapoland
The new comics book by Bartosz Zaskorski about his Postapoland world!
A collection of short stories of love and terror set in the world of Postapoland!

*check carefully, finally we have put for sale the giant original artworks from Postapoland, they are expensive but huge!
- Hummingbirds' Milk by Jagoda Czarnowska
The first comic book by a so talented comics artist, with her unique poetry!

* also available a selection of high detailed original artworks!
- Mana by Dina Omut
From Transylvania folklore an incredible short debut comic!
A tale about an ambiguous and all-encompassing bond between a young girl and a mysterious mushroom.

- Tristitia by Perdita Lujuria
A sado-goth-erotic comic.
104 pages, HC, BLACK LAPPING in the book edges and Black OPAQUE UV spot on glossy black cover, what else?

- Soft Tissue #0 by Spugna.
The preview comic book of the next long comic by Spugna, 2024.

- Manosinistra - NecroBriscola RPG
Are you ready to unleash apocalypses!?
The first Hollow Press role playing game is finally out!

*there are just a few handmade original artworks produced, and they are all available in the store.
**even a giant poster signed and sketched by the artist!
- Unholy Grotto by Alfred Pietroni
We are proud to announce our third Lore Game Book, after Vermis, you cant miss this Fashion Dark Weird Fantasy.
56 pages, VOGUE format 28,5x23cm, UV spot on cover.
Embrace the beauty that lies within the shadows...

- Cyberflesh (preview comic) by Genchi-Taddei-Grifone
Get Ready to enter a world of atrocious dreariness, where insanity is the only way out of obliteration.
Holographic spot on the cover! And only 10€
the BOARD GAME out in 2024

- Scions of Voodoo by John Blanche
From probably the most personal work by the master John Blanche, a new artbook dedicated to Voodoo Forest, this time collecting all color illustrations!

*also available a limited edition signed version and several new original artworks!
- BONEFOREST core box (2nd edition) - PREORDER!
The Boneforest core box is actually available for preorder, shippings are scheduled for 11 of December, we are still assembling the copies, thank you to everyone for the support and patience! We will send a dedicated newsletter within end of November with new pictures and an unboxing video to show the difference of the second edition (limited at 200 copies) compared to the first edition. The game and contents are almost the same, we just improved the artifact cards, the tiles and changed a bit the aesthetic of the rulebook, thank you!

*this is a preorder, please read item description!
- "Beware of the states that can permanently damage your flesh and mind" limited VERMIS print (New Version) by Plastiboo.
Yes, according to the artist we thought was just right to have this print available again, since everyone should have it hanged on his wall during a RPG session!
You asked this for so long, now don't miss it!

*also we have a special surprise for you all, give a look to this collector item HERE!
some other note:
- we finally did video preview about Vermis II and New Pets by Jesse Jacobs, give a look to the product pages if you want.
- I remind you about our most recent reprints:
all Shintaro Kago books,
Postapoland third edition,
Analwizards third edition,
the Rust Kingdom necromancer second edition,
- last important info, if you are one of the customers that ordered Vermis II and still haven't received it with ordinary shipping don't worry, it will arrive soon, it's just slow and not under our control, but it will arrive! Thank you for your patience!
that's all for now,
thank you as always,
and I really hope I put anough cool stuff out to make your end of the year cooler.
See you soon in early december for a last newsletter dedicated to our HUGE miniatures game BONEFOREST!