Stitched Up and Rusted Tales finally out!
hey Souls,
I hope I'm finding you'l well.
Here a big and quick news about our last releases:
we finally put out two amazing books by SPUGNA!!!
You know Tommaso is one of the first italian artists we worked with, and for us is always a pleasure to work with him. He is also going on with his wonderful career full of prestigious nominations and awards. So in the waiting to publish another long comic by him we are proud to announce and put out his last spin-off about his famous "Rust Kingdom" world.
This is the third and will be the last, sure thing.

probably my favorite one!
Limited at only 500 copies. You can buy your copy HERE!
as for the other spin-off we published in past, we also printed a very limited (only 44 copies) and large HC version including a random original artwork from the book, here an example of one of the wonderful artworks you could find inside:

* please note we sold about the half of this limited run during the Napoli Comicon, so we really think it will not last too much in our store, hurry up to grab your copy!
You can buy it HERE!
obviously all this is for the customers and fans that already own a copy of the other spin off we published in past: Gnomicide and Wizard Hat. Ss you know they are all sold out for a long time. And since it is something we really want keep available, we decided to put out a collection (in a pocket and smaller version to respect all the customers that bought the first editions), a collection we called simply "RUSTED TALES", that's include ALL the spin-off:
"Gnomicide", "The Wizard Hat", and the last one "Stitched Up",
for a small thick book of 160 pages for only 15€

Available HERE!
So it's easy to say:
if you already have the rare old spin-off "Gnomicide" and "Wizard Hat", just buy the last one "Stitched Up" to have the complete series;
instead if you missed the other spin-off, just buy the collection "Rusted Tales", that is smaller and cheaper, but at least you can have and read them all!
another couple of news about Spugna:
- we also have for sale the original artworks of the front and back cover,
- we only had a couple of boxes left of his masterpiece "The Rust Kingdom", 2° edition, that of course is one of our best seller and must be always available in the store, so we have just printed a 3° edition!
next, some other important information
We are proud to have for sale, direct from the friends of Huber Editions, available in our store the pocket reprint of the Kago art book they published, for a very limited amount of time, about 1-2 weeks, so if you missed it and want get your copy you can order this in our store at the following LINK

As you know, we attended the Napoli Comicon in last few weeks, and we enjoyed the festival so much! We got the feeling that this was the first real and at his full potential post-pandemic festival. It was incredible to see all those people excited to finally enjoy the comics world in live!
It really was self-evident...
We got some great moment with our guest artists, like:
Spugna, Gizem Malkoc and David Marchetti

all sketching their copies, like Spugna here:

David Marchetti nominated for the award "Micheluzzi" Best First Work:
(if you haven't read this wonderful book buy it now HERE, also note, we have last copies available in its english version!)

and Gizem Malkoc in the middle of the live painting battle
with the author "Quasirosso":

(she is actually working on a very long book, so if you haven't read yet her first short book Spotless, hurry up to buy a copy HERE, we just have the last dozen of the english version available!)
That's all for now, thank you for your attention!
See you soon again before the summer for some japanese release!
And of course we are preparing an incredible Lucca Comics & Games,
where as you know, for the first time we will publish some weird stuff for the games world!
Yes, Hollow Press family will enlarge itself to explore always different places, not just comics (even if it will be always our starting and main activity), but games too!
very soon...