Super Launch!!!
new releases and reprints
comics & games
comics & games
Hey souls,
here we are, after a bit of silence. You know we don't send so many newsletter, but we always work hard, on new projects, events and reprints!
Let's start.
- First very big news.
We put out the new Jesse Jacobs comic "NEW PETS"
This is his first long comic he made for us, all in full-color, hard-cover, 80 pages for just 20€!
700g of pure weirdness.
We are so proud to publish this comic, long work but mostly intimate work...
I can smell this from each page and it's self-evident the artist put his soul inside, of course for personal stuff too.

And as we usually do,
we have for sale all original artworks, they are awsome and for sale at 15% off for just a couple of days, so don't miss your chance to catch your favorite one!

You find them all HERE
also, obviously we reprinted all his books we published:
They Live in Me and Baby in the Boneyard
they were sold out for too long, but now they are finally available again HERE
- another very important news that many of you were really waiting for,
finally Vermis I fourth reprint is out!
We printed 6000 copies this time, we hope they are enough. Even if we sold 6000 copies yet, in just 3-4 days if we consider all the launches. Anyway don't hesitate to buy your copy, Vermis always surprised us selling very fast!

you can find Vermis HERE
- David Genchi got a lot of fun putting out amazing illustrations about Analwizards comic-game-book. They were all collected in a books,
the Art Parade Artbook!
If you enjoyed Analwizards you cant miss this artbook to go deeper in that freak/grotesque world!

HERE to continue the crazyness.
And HERE if you are so sane as to have never tried the game.
- also,
we are very proud to have published a couple of new editions of two very important books for us... they are not just reprints, but true new editions, of course more expensive compared to the first one but HC and with a lot of extra papermaking care.

"Palla", a Paolo Bacilieri masterpiece, winner of a prestigious Gran Guinigi, probably one of the most important awards in the World.
For new readers: what is Palla?
a love story,
so next question would be,
how could it ever be a love story by Bacilieri published by Hollow Press?
you can buy it HERE
(we also still have some limited gicleé print of Palla, check out our store!)

"UNO", a picture to show all its mightness!
The 400 pages incredibly poetic comic book by David Marchetti. His first comic book, but one already able to turn the spotlight on him, to the point of having gone as official guest of Italian Council Art of Canada at the TCAF!
HERE you can buy it and HERE we have the last original artworks available with a -20% off just for a limited time.
- Some other important news:
Twelve Sisters of the Never-ending Castle by Shintaro Kago first HC edition is sold out, and Princess pocket edition was sold out too, so we reprinted both of them, now you can buy HERE
Princess pocket edition and Twelve Sisters pocket edition;
sorting out a bit our main warehouse we found some copies of Rust Kingdom by Spugna in english, they are last few, don't miss it, and we also found some of the Necromancer edition, both in italian and english;
last but not least, probably you know we published a quickstart of one of our upcoming games project, Necrbriscola by Jack Sensolini, we presented it as preview at last Modena Play festival, and it was an incredible success with the whole availability in tables for playtesters completely full, thank you all! We also put for sale some copies in our store during those days that went sold out in a couple of days, anyway don't worry, it will be also included in the final version scheduled for this Autumn, and in the while you can download it for free in our dedicated product page HERE.

Necrobriscola is just a first example of all the projects we are working on, like Vermis II, a new edition of Boneforest, a new John Blanche voodoo book, a new boardgame and so many comics too like Shintaro Kago, Asagi Yaenaga, Tetsunori Tawaraya, Gizem Malkoc, a Spugna preview for a long book and a lot of new artists!
see you soon guys,
continue to support us, we will never stop to make things different.