Come un Insetto
Come un Insetto
Come un Insetto
Come un Insetto
Come un Insetto
Come un Insetto
Come un Insetto
Come un Insetto
Come un Insetto

Come un Insetto

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Come un Insetto - Like an Insect

* this product is available both in  ITALIAN and ENGLISH
please select the language during the order

October 2018
first printing - published by Hollow Press
printed in A4 size 21x30 cm on 170g paper, offset (english version digital printing)
108 pages B & W
limited edition of 850 copies (Italian edition) and 150 copies (English edition)

artwork: Paolo Massagli
editor: Michele Nitri
graphic design: Marco "Keno" Del Negro
cover colors: Spugna

for english edition,
English Translation: Valerio Stivè
English Translation Editing: Cameron Hatheway

ita- "Tutto questo non mi interessava. Mi interessavo all'infinitamente piccolo. Agli esseri che erano più simili a me, gli insetti."
eng- "However, I didn't care much about all that. I cared about what's infinitely small. About those creatures that were similar to me, the insects."

Buy other Paolo Massagli books here:
- Toxic Psycho Killer
- Four
- Chain

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