Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)
Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)
Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)
Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)
Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)
Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)
Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)
Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)
Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)
Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)
Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)
Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)
Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)
Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)
Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)
Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)
Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)
Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)
Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)

Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)

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Manosinistra - (Necrobriscola RPG)

"Make diabolical pacts.
Gather the fragments of the 4 suits.
Unleash apocalypses.
Play your cards in the hell of the 4 pastures."

*this item is available in both the languages english and italian, please select during the order

MANO SINISTRA - NecroBriscola RPG is the first role-playing game published by Hollow Press, created by Ignoranza Eroica and illustrated by David Genchi.

english text:
It is a hellish adventure OSR game, designed to manage a game master (called the Dealer) and 1 to 5 players (called Doomlichs) in the setting of the Four Pastures.
The Doomlichs play the part of damned adventurers exploring the Four Pastures pursuing the lost Fragments of the 4 Suits.
The Four Pastures are a hellish netherworld generating apocalypses. Brutal, corrupted lands inhabited by Devils and Inhumans, arcane treasures and unspeakable monstrosities.
Together with the complete rulebook, a deck of NecroBriscola minor arcana, produced in partnership with Dal Negro, the historical Italian playing cards company.
italian text:
È un gioco di ruolo OSR di avventura infernale ideato per gestire un facilitatore (chiamato il Mazziere) e un numero di giocatori (chiamati Necroboia) da 1 a 5 nell’ambientazione dei Quattro Pascoli.
I Necroboia interpretano avventurieri dannati che esplorano i Quattro Pascoli in cerca dei Frammenti perduti dei 4 Semi.
I Quattro Pascoli sono un inframondo infernale generatore di apocalissi. Terre brutali, corrotte, popolate da Disumani e Diavoli, tesori arcani e mostruosità indicibili.
In allegato con il manuale completo, un mazzo di carte da NecroBriscola prodotto in collaborazione con la storica azienda di carte italiana DAL NEGRO.

published by Hollow Press -October 2023
limited edition
1500 copies (italian version)
750 copies (english version)

Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG) includes:

- the 136 pages RULEBOOK
17x24 cm format

offset full color printing on Magno usomano paper by 140g
stitched binding
UV spot on the cover
- The Four Pastures MAP
34x48cm size
- the NecroBriscola Deck
40 extreme high quality PVC cards
produced in partnership with Dal Negro
(the historical Italian playing cards company)

Buy "Manosinistra" original artworks and other limited products HERE

Game design: Jack Sensolini, Iacopo Frigerio
Writing: Jack Sensolini, Luca Mazza, Iacopo Frigerio
Artwork: David Genchi
Editor: Michele Nitri
Graphic design: Marco Cirillo Pedri

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