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Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG)
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Manosinistra - (Necrobriscola RPG)
"Make diabolical pacts. Gather the fragments of the 4 suits. Unleash apocalypses. Play your cards in the hell of the 4 pastures."
*this item is available in both the languages english and italian, please select during the order
MANO SINISTRA - NecroBriscola RPG is the first role-playing game published by Hollow Press, created by Ignoranza Eroica and illustrated by David Genchi.
english text: It is a hellish adventure OSR game, designed to manage a game master (called the Dealer) and 1 to 5 players (called Doomlichs) in the setting of the Four Pastures. The Doomlichs play the part of damned adventurers exploring the Four Pastures pursuing the lost Fragments of the 4 Suits. The Four Pastures are a hellish netherworld generating apocalypses. Brutal, corrupted lands inhabited by Devils and Inhumans, arcane treasures and unspeakable monstrosities. Together with the complete rulebook, a deck of NecroBriscola minor arcana, produced in partnership with Dal Negro, the historical Italian playing cards company.
italian text:
È un gioco di ruolo OSR di avventura infernale ideato per gestire un facilitatore (chiamato il Mazziere) e un numero di giocatori (chiamati Necroboia) da 1 a 5 nell’ambientazione dei Quattro Pascoli. I Necroboia interpretano avventurieri dannati che esplorano i Quattro Pascoli in cerca dei Frammenti perduti dei 4 Semi.
I Quattro Pascoli sono un inframondo infernale generatore di apocalissi. Terre brutali, corrotte, popolate da Disumani e Diavoli, tesori arcani e mostruosità indicibili. In allegato con il manuale completo, un mazzo di carte da NecroBriscola prodotto in collaborazione con la storica azienda di carte italiana DAL NEGRO.
published by Hollow Press -October 2023 limited edition 1500 copies (italian version) 750 copies (english version)
Manosinistra - (NecroBriscola RPG) includes: - the 136 pages RULEBOOK 17x24 cm format offset full color printing on Magno usomano paper by 140g stitched binding UV spot on the cover - The Four Pastures MAP 34x48cm size - the NecroBriscola Deck 40 extreme high quality PVC cards produced in partnership with Dal Negro (the historical Italian playing cards company)
Game design: Jack Sensolini, Iacopo Frigerio Writing: Jack Sensolini, Luca Mazza, Iacopo Frigerio Artwork: David Genchi Editor: Michele Nitri Graphic design: Marco Cirillo Pedri