Sintomi del Buio
Sintomi del Buio
Sintomi del Buio
Sintomi del Buio

Sintomi del Buio

Regular price €12.00
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Sintomi del Buio / Symptoms of the Dark

* this product is available both in  ITALIAN and ENGLISH

please select the language during the order

published by Hollow Press -October 2018- first and unique printing
limited edition of 250 (italian version) and 150 (english version)
black and white digital printing
printed in 17x24cm on 170g paper
64 ages
german glue binding

Artwork: Danilo Manzi
Editor: Michele Nitri
Graphic design: Marco "Keno" del Negro

for english edition:
English Translation: Valerio Stivè
English Translation Editing: Cameron Hatheway

From Juan Scassa foreword:
eng- "The wonder of opening up Pandora's boxes. Fatal attractions. The eye goes where is not supposed to go, and stares at the splendor of an exploding tumor."
ita- "La meraviglia di schiudere vasi di Pandora. Le attrazioni fatali. L'occhio va dove non vede e osserva lo splendore di un tumore che esplode."


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