Godhusk book and limited prints!

GODHUSK - rebirth by Plastiboo

the new lore game book Godhusk is finally out!


Dedication has always been the most important quality of Hollow Press. Dedication to creators, respecting and empowering them to unleash their most uncompromising, convulsive visions. Dedication to design and print, ensuring their works are reproduced in the sensual showcase they deserve. 
And dedication to readers, challenging and rewarding them with the dark delights and depths of extraordinary writings and graphics. 
All hail, Hollow Press!

Paul Gravett, ’The Man at the Crossroads'
comics journalist and expert

Se sei amante di fumetti bizzarri, oscuri, incomprensibili e orgogliosamente sotterranei, sai dove dirigere la tua attenzione. Potresti acquistare in blocco tutto il loro catalogo, senza leggere un singolo nome in copertina, e andresti sul sicuro. Perché compri la nuova uscita Hollow. (read more)

Marco Andreoletti (reviewer)

Nitri’s focus on dark, experimental comics has given Hollow Press a strong identity, reinforced by his talent for publishing artists with a cult following. (read more)

The Comics Journal
Jason Leivian (FWC)

Hollow Press has been at the forefront of the underground comic scene, offering stylized releases of the works of such iconic names. (read more)

Asian Movie Pulse
Adam Symchuk (reviewer)

This stuff is so fuckin mad - batty as fruit cake - mad as a badger - it’s fresh and exciting like a breath of fresh air.

John Blanche
Legend of dystopian fantasy


"Best Italian Publisher, TCBF 2019"

Hollow Press is an independent comics & games publisher house focused on dark weird fantasy. 
Founded in February 2015 by Michele Nitri, after one year of self publishing of the anthology U.D.W.F.G.
(Under Dark Weird Fantasy Grounds).
Hollow Press productions are intended for an international audience, offering comic books as main activity, combined to the sale of original artworks and games. Hollow Press regularly collaborates with worldwide fairs and conventions, organizing exhibitions focused on his published artists.

Hollow Press is like a black hydra. Hollow Press are:

Nitri Michele - Owner & Editor in Chief
Simone Alberto Grifone - CMO
Paolo Vigneri - Lawyer, Customer Care, SMM
Marco Cirillo Pedri (aka Marcone) - Graphic Designer Supervisor
Salvatore Privitera (aka Turi) - Translator, RPG Editor
Davide Ruggieri / Madeori - Logistics
Erika Santin - Executive Assistant
Giuseppe Brindisi - International Events & Videogames Production

+ several other external collaborators.

Hollow Press shippings are PLASTIC FREE!
Our packaging is entirely with paper materials.

All our products (books and games) are produced in EU, 99% in Italy!

The Village (official BONEFOREST BLOG)

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